You should consider turning off a setpoint in some circumstances such as:

  1. When you identify a problem with the existing automated control rule of a setpoint and want to temporarily disable it to prevent any potential mishaps.
  2. When you formulate different strategies (e.g. irrigation strategies) and want to use one strategy at a time.
  3. For maintenance purposes.

Figure 1. The On/Off switch for each setpoint

Figure 1. The On/Off switch for each setpoint

When setpoints are toggled ON/OFF, notifications will be sent to both your email and mobile app, providing transparency and improve collaboration among operators.

The setpoint logic passes through several stages before reaching the actuators that directly influence the variables in your greenhouse or manufacturing warehouse. Consequently, the formula you have written may not yield the anticipated results. In such instances, you can choose to deactivate the setpoint temporarily (this is optional) and reach out to Koidra for further investigation.

Additional resources

The setpoint table

Test setpoint’s formula