1. Benefits and use cases

Metric categories help to enhance the metric browsing experience with category-based filtering. You can filter metrics using a customizable category list on both metric and Opera setpoint pages, as well as when defining formulas, making the process more efficient.

Figure 1. Display categories writing formulas

Figure 1. Display categories writing formulas

Figure 2. Display categories when adding metrics into a visual panel

Figure 2. Display categories when adding metrics into a visual panel

Under Metrics and Opera KoPilot tabs, you can also filter metrics based on categories.

Figure 3. Filter by category on a metric listing page.

Figure 3. Filter by category on a metric listing page.

2. Create a category

Although Koidra’s predefined categories are set as defaults, you have the flexibility to tailor them to better meet your organization’s needs, simply go to Settings > Categories. As they are part of your organisation settings, the same categories can be used across different sites and zones.

Figure 4. Categories

Figure 4. Categories

To create a new category, click on the + button on the top right corner of the page. A dialog will pop up on the screen. Fill in the category name and description if needed. Then click Create.

Please note that the categories will be auto-sorted in an alphabetical order based on their names.

Figure 5. Create a new category

Figure 5. Create a new category

3. Assign category to metrics

Under Metrics and Opera KoPilot table, you will find a Category column. To populate this information, simply click on the category name and change the dropdown selection as needed.