1. Navigation side bar

When you open Control Center, the Analysis feature will be your default tab.

Figure 1. A Control Center dashboard

Figure 1. A Control Center dashboard

The features available on the navigation side bar will be customised based on your requests.

Other secondary features include:

The sidebar can be collapsed, providing you with additional workspace whenever necessary.

Figure 2. Expanded and collapsed side bar

Figure 2. Expanded and collapsed side bar

2. Site and Zone selection

If you have multiple sites within your organization, you can access these sites by clicking on the organization name on the side bar. The site name will be updated on the breadcrumb on the top header.

Figure 3. Site selection

Figure 3. Site selection

Grow zones are listed after the site name. Each site composes of one or multiple zones, each of these zones can consist of one or multiple compartments depending on your setup.

Under the Analysis feature only, you can have access to All zones data or limit your view to a specific zone. This is to ensure that you can monitor and analyze all aspects of your greenhouse operations in a single, intuitive interface.

For the remaining features, the All zones option will not be available, as they are specifically designed for individual zone control and management. You can only access and view data for one zone at a time.

Figure 4. Zone selection

Figure 4. Zone selection

3. Crop and Season selection

<aside> 👉🏻 Note: Crop and season settings are only available for Horticulture accounts.


You can click the dates dropdown to switch between different seasons.

Figure 5. Season dropdown

Figure 5. Season dropdown

If there is no active season at the moment, you will see a + button, which allows you to add a new season. The Crop type, Start date, Topping date and End date are all required information before you want to start KoPilot.

Figure 6. Add a new season

Figure 6. Add a new season